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A set of versatile tools for those working in Revit

The plugins are compatible with Revit 2019-2025

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Allows to copy the selected sheet in the Project Browser, including specifications, dimensions, text, dynamic view

Allows to copy selected views in the Project Browser

Allows to add a suffix or prefix to selected views

Allows to find and replace the text of selected views (rename views) or find and replace text notes within the whole project, or find and replace the text parameter in a specific family category

Allows to renumber sheets

Allows to isolate, hide, or select certain types in the active view. Also allows to freeze (lock) elements in the active view

Allows to copy certain elements from a concurrently open document or Revit session

The plugin allows to view, find and delete all DWGs (linked and imported) that are in your Revit project

Allows to display the sum of the numerical parameter values of the selected elements

The plugin allows to attach or detach axes, levels, linked RVT and DWG files in a couple of clicks

Allows to transfer a value from one parameter to another parameter

Allows to record the value of the room number in which the element is located in the selected parameter, including from the linked model

Allows to record the element ID value in the selected parameter

Allows to record the name of the workset in the selected parameter

Allows to record the level name in the selected parameter

The plugin allows you to create color filters on the view according to the values of the selected parameter of the selected categories

Allows you to transfer elements of the drafting view into the legend or the legend into the drafting view

Allows to freeze a view by exporting it to AutoCAD. Then creates a drafting view which this DWG drawing is placed on

The plugin allows to copy filters along with overriding the visibility of graphics from one view to another

Allows to change the crop area of the view in two clicks

The plugin allows to conveniently work and navigate in all open projects and views

Allows to print sheets of different formats in PDF

Allows to record the format of the title block in the selected sheet parameter

The plugin allows to export selected sheet sets in the current open file and sheet sets in linked files to AutoCAD in a single operation

The plugin allows to quickly determine on which sheet you have the active or selected from the Project Browser view, and whether it is placed on any of the sheets

Allows the viewports to be centered relative to each other on selected sheets

Allows to align the specifications on the sheet

Allows to copy all parameter values from one element to another

Allows to switch axes from 3D to 2D and vice versa

Allows to display the total length of lines, pipes, ducts or cable trays

Allows to change the level of the selected elements without changing the geometric position

Allows to fill in the selected parameter in the specification, e.g. from 1 to N (consecutive numbering, suffix, prefix)

The plugin allows to change the width of each column of an open specification in batch mode

The plugin allows to export multiple specifications from Revit to Excel or Word format. It also allows to import specifications from Excel into Revit

The plugin allows to export multiple specifications from Revit to Excel or Word format. Also allows to import specifications from Excel into Revit

The plugin allows to build, modify and edit a schedule of specifications

Allows to crop the 3D view by selected levels

A set of plugins will help you design views and nodes faster. Includes "breakline", "section", "elevation", "axis", "text leader"

The plugin allows to quickly arrange the most popular families, which you assign in the settings of the plugin

The plugin allows to merge cells with the same values without affecting other columns or rows

The "Notes" plugin allows you to organize your collaboration in Revit in a more comfortable and organized way. One person leaves a note to someone else or to himself in the form of a point, an element or a cloud, entering some information in this note. Example: This is where the layouts need to be corrected. Something needs to be remodeled here, or some mistake was made here and needs to be corrected. All notes will be available in a single file to all specialists working with the document. All information in these notes will be online on the BimStep server.

The plugin allows to copy and track any category of families. It tracks position changes, deletions and parameter changes. The "Monitoring Manager" is used for easy tracking, which displays the changed elements in tabular form and highlights them in color

Allows to enable or disable tabs, as well as make colored tabs for different projects for easy navigation

Plugin features

Working with model elements

  • Convenient selection of model elements.

  • Sum of numerical parameters.

  • Transfer of parameter values.

  • Writing room number, work sets to a parameter.

  • Copying properties from one element to another.

  • Changing the level of an element without changing its position.

  • Selective copying from file to file of view templates, families, filters, level marks, dimension styles, legends and drawing views.

  • Total lengths of selected lines, pipelines, ducts and cable trays.

  • Search and delete linked and imported DWG.

Context filter

Allows to isolate, hide, or select certain types in the active view. Also allows to freeze (lock) elements in the active view

Working with views and sheets

  • Batch copying of views with the possibility of applying a view template and renaming.

  • Copying a sheet with its contents.

  • Search and replace text annotations, parameter values, and view names.

  • Renumbering of selected sheets.

  • Spacing of suffixes/prefixes in selected species.

Color tabs

Allows to enable or disable tabs, as well as make colored tabs for different projects for easy navigation

Working with filters

  • Coloring of elements depending on the value of the selected parameter.

  • Copying filters from one view to another along with settings.

Color filters

The plugin allows you to create color filters on the view according to the values of the selected parameter of the selected categories

Export, import and print

  • Export multiple specifications to Excel in different files, to different sheets, or to a single sheet.

  • Importing values from an Excel spreadsheet into a Revit specification.

  • Exporting specifications to Word.

  • Ability to export sheets into a single DWG file. Including from related models.

  • Printing sheets of different formats.

  • Creation of sets for printing and exporting.

Print PDF

Allows to print sheets of different formats in PDF

Working with specifications

  • Drawing up a list of specifications.

  • Convenient change of column width.

  • Autonumbering by selected parameter.

  • Combining cells in the specification and hiding null values.


The "Notes" plugin allows you to organize your collaboration in Revit in a more comfortable and organized way. One person leaves a note to someone else or to himself in the form of a point, an element or a cloud, entering some information in this note.

Working with Views

  • Tree view manager for all open models.

  • Transfer from drawing view to legend and back.

  • Change view trim in two clicks.

  • Alignment of viewports and specifications on sheets.

  • Trimming 3D views by levels with specified indentation.

View manager

The plugin allows to conveniently work and navigate in all open projects and views

Framing and annotations

  • Footnote with automatic adjustment of the shelf length.

  • Analogs of system families for the design of views (axis, mark, section).

  • Break line.

  • Assignment of families to hotkeys for quick arrangement in the model.

Super copy and monitoring

The plugin allows to copy and track any category of families. It tracks position changes, deletions and parameter changes. The "Monitoring Manager" is used for easy tracking, which displays the changed elements in tabular form and highlights them in color

Try it for free

Don't rush to buy, download and test our plugins on your real objects. Trial version with full functionality is available for 14 days for free

Any questions?

Write us on mail or in Telegram

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