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Server license


In order to purchase licenses to use the BimStep plug-ins you need to:

1. Choose the line of plug-ins your specialists need.

2. Calculate how many users will use the license at a time. Exactly one time, because when Revit is closed or the computer is shut down - the license will be released.

3. decide how long you need the plugins for (3 months, 6 months, 1 year).

4. Choose on which machine the server part of the licensing will be located. The name of your machine, name of the plug-in line and licensing expiration date will be used to generate the license key.

Important. When purchasing plug-ins with the "Network" licensing system, you will need to specify the name of the server machine, on which the plug-in with Windows Server 2012 operating system and higher will be deployed. Do not change the name of the server machine, because it is the name of the server machine that generates license keys.

When purchasing one network license, it can be used by only one Revit user at a time. If you buy two licenses, you will be able to use 2, and so on. Buying one license does not imply that you will be able to provide an office for 20 people at the same time!


Here is how to get a license for admin and user parts


Admin user part

After you purchase a network license for a particular line of plug-ins - you will receive from a specialist of BimStep an archive with all the necessary files to deploy the network licensing model. This archive must be unpacked on the server machine and placed on the desktop folder..

In the folder with the files for the service there're all the necessary technical files.

Open this folder.

Here you need to make some settings in the file "Bim_Server.ini". Open this file and specify the following settings.

Port=500 - Port on which the server works

LogToFile=1 - Log requests of clients to the file

LogFilename=BimServer.log - Name of the log file

LicFilename=BStepLoc.lic - Name of the file with the list of licenses

TimeCheckClient=3 - The time (minutes) to check that the client accessed the server. If there is no GetLic request from the client during this time, the server frees the license for others.


After making all settings in the file "Bim_Server.ini" you can start the network licensing service. To do this it is necessary to launch the file "install.bat" from the Administrator.

If everything is successful, the service "BimStepServer" will be started on the server machine

User part

As a result, after the server is configured - you can connect users. Users need to download and install the purchased line of plug-ins from the BimStep website beforehand.

Then open Revit and on the appropriate tab with plug-ins - click on the License BimStep.

Server license_04.jpg

Then go to the "Server License" tab, enter the server name, port and click activate. The license is activated.

Server license_05.jpg
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