The "Add or update links" plugin will allow BIM professionals to quickly add or update links in an open model while allowing you to immediately close unnecessary working sets. Suppose you have made a new model and now your task is to add many links to the rest of the project documentation sections in the current model. To do it manually is very long, especially when you need to link models to each other and then 10 models with 10 operations in each - in the end it will be about 100 clicks to add a link and then still close unnecessary work sets. That's a very long time. That's why you can use the "Add or update links" plugin. Also, the plugin can not only add links, but also update them. This is necessary if previously added links have been moved to some other location or changed their name. In this case, Revit will lose these links and they need to be updated manually.
So, in order for the plugin to work - you need to prepare Excel with the composition of models in advance.
Below is the general scheme of the plugin's operation
To work with the plugin, you will first need to set up an Excel file in ".xlsx" or ".csv" format as follows:
Obligatory starting from the 1st row!
Column A - Model Name with ".rvt" extension is obligatory
Column B - Path to the location of the Revit model. This can be either the path to local storage or the path to Revit Server. In the case of Revit Server, you need to specify the path in the following format:
RSN://*server name*/*folder name*/.
Column C - (optional field) Specify if you want to update an existing link in your model to another model that has a name that does not match the name in column A.
Column D - (optional gap) Specify the name of the working set in which you want to place the new link immediately.
Column E - (optional gap) “1” if you want the model to have the “Attachment” relationship type.
Save this file, we will need it for the plugin to work.
2. Plugin operation
After preparing the Excel file, you can run the plugin. To do this, open Revit and then the model to which you are going to add a link.Then go to the BS_Bim tab and run the "Add or Update Link" plug-in.
In the opened window you will have to specify a lot of settings. Let's analyze them.
1. Select the model sheets file in ".xlsx" or ".csv" format
2. If the ".xlsx" file has been selected, you will also be able to select a specific sheet.
3. Specify the coordinates by which we want to add a link.
4. If your model is collaborative, it has work sets, you have specified in Excel the work set you would like to place the link in, but the current model does not have such, this setting will immediately create a work set in the model according to the name from Excel, and the model will be placed in it.
5. Check the box if you want the link to be automatically assigned after it is added.
6. Check the box if you want the model to be unloaded immediately. Recommended for working with large models.
7. In order that certain working sets from the linked model are immediately closed when you add or update a link, you can list the words that are in the name of these working sets in this window using commas.
8. Select one or more models that you want to add.
9. Click the "Add Links" button to add the linked models.
10. To update the linked models, click the "Update Links" button.
11. Download the Excel fill-in example file.
Done! Linked models have been added or updated!