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Change family category


The "Change family category" plugin allows you to quickly and batch change the category of families in a project or in a folder.

Surely you have had such a situation, that you download families from the manufacturer or made families yourself and did not decide in advance what category these families will have. So you always set "Generalized model", and then, when it comes to specification, you realize that you need a different category.

You start to open each of the families and change the category manually. In principle, it is not so difficult, but when there are dozens of families, it takes a lot of time.

Now you can use for realization of this task our plugin in BS_Bim line, namely plugin "Change category of families".

Launch the plugin.

After launching the plugin you will have a window where you will need to select some settings:

1. Select the function of plugin operation by families in the open project.

2. In the right part of the window you will immediately get a list of all loaded families in your project.

Column A - family name

Column B - Current category of the family

Column C - Select the category you want to replace it with. 3.

3. click done and the plugin will batch replace the category of the specified families in the project!

2. Change family categories in the folder

After launching the plugin you will have a window where you will need to select some settings:

1. Select the function of the plugin to work by families in the folder.

2. Select the folder, if you need to take into account including subfolders, check the box at the bottom of the window.

3. Select the families to be processed.

4. Use this button to move the selected families to the right side of the window. At this point, the plugin will temporarily open these families and determine the current category of the family.

5. By analogy with the processing of families in the project: in the right part of the window we get the list of all loaded families in your project.

Column A - family name

Column B - Current family category

Column C - Select the category we want to replace it with.

6. Click done and the plugin will batch replace the category of the specified families in the folder!


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