The “Open Connectors” plug-in allows engineering specialists to work more conveniently and in a structured way on their model with engineering elements that have open pipe and duct connections. If you have a lot of such places in your model, it is quite laborious to find them visually or with the help of the corresponding button on the Revit tape. For this reason, and was developed such a plugin, which will allow you in 2 clicks immediately be in 3D space in the place where you have this open connector at this or that element.
So, let's run the Open Connectors plugin on the plugin ribbon.

Eventually, you will see a window where all open connections you have in the model will be tabulated.
Let's understand the purpose of each column and settings.

1. Order number of the open connection in the model
2. item Id in the model
3. Item Category
4. System name, if available
5. The level at which the element is located
6. The point of direct location of the connector that has an open connection
7. The status of a valid open connection
8. ID of the connector within a single element. Since an element can have many connectors
9. Filter block. Using them you can filter open connectors by level, admissibility status and category.
10. A button to update the information.
11. A separate question - But what to do with those connectors that have an element, but it either really should be open or it is open to join another system, which is located in another model. For this purpose we have made a status system. In order to move the connector open to the status of acceptable you can select a line and then click on the button “Allowable open end” and you will have just for this connector will be assigned the status of acceptable - the line will become gray, as well as with the help of this - you can filter out unnecessary connectors, the status of which you have already set as acceptable.
12. To go on the 3D view to this or that place - you just need to click twice on the line and as a result - you on the 3D view will immediately make a cube, by the way, with the dimensions that you also specify in the plugin and you will see where you specifically in the model has an open end and immediately on the 3D view solve this problem.
Displaying an open connector in a model
