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Parameter from the form


The “Parameter from the form” plugin allows you to write in the specified parameter the value from the form where the element is located. The task is actual when, for example, you need to categorize elements by their zone. The example is demonstrated in the figure below.

1. Creating forms

For the plugin to work, first of all you need Forms. You can create them using the standard Revit functionality. These forms can be either in the current or in a linked model. The plugin will handle all situations. If you have never worked with this tool, please check out the youtube video or Revit Help. As there is nothing complicated, the main thing is to create cubes for each of the zones different.

Now fill any parameter in our forms with the value we want to pass to the element. In my case it will be just the “Comments” parameter.

This completes the step of preparing the forms. If you created the forms in a linked model, load the forms link into your working model and set it to match the dimensions of your object.

2. Launching the plugin.

3. Select plugin settings

In the opened window select settings

1. Select family categories.

2. Click on the button to update the list of parameters.

3. Select the parameter where the entry should be made.

4. Select the format of work on the current model or linked model.

5. If you are working on a link, select it.

6. Update the list of parameters from the forms

7. Select a form parameter

8. Click “Done”.

As a result, the value from the form parameter, in the corpus of which the plugin found the family, is written to the specified parameter.

4. Plugin algorithm

To understand how the plugin works, its operating algorithm is as follows:

1. If the family is created with placement by point, then the plugin reads this point and determines what form this point is in. Such families include ordinary families (equipment, windows, doors, fittings, etc.)

2. If the family is complex and is not located by a point, the plugin algorithm will be more complicated. The plugin first reads all solids from the element, finds the center of mass and, if it is located in the solid of the family, the form in which this point is found is determined. That is, even if the element partially falls into a different shape, it will be assigned to the shape in which the center of mass is located.

3. If the family is complex and the center of mass is not in the corpus of the family. For example, as in the wall below, the center of mass is in the window. In this case the plugin will read each side of the solid element, check its extreme and middle points for belonging to a certain form, and then the most popular of the found forms will be selected.

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