The “Spaces” plugin helps you create spaces in your engineering models from architectural spaces, as well as track and update changes to them if any changes have been made to the architectural model.
1. Preliminary plug-in settings
We need an architectural model with rooms as input data to create spaces. We load it into the model as a link, and then we must check this parameter in the properties of the link type.

This adjustment is necessary to ensure that the created spaces are within the building structures and do not “flow” beyond them.
Further we need to configure the parameters for the plug-in operation.

1.We check the box if you wish to use the recommended BimStep. In such case the plug-in will make further settings by itself.
2. Choose an architectural model with rooms.
3. Select the room number parameter from the architectural model.
4. Select the room name parameter from the architectural model.
5. Select the parameter of the space number where the plugin will write the room number.
6. Select the space name parameter where the plug-in will write the room name.
7. Select the value in square meters, on the tolerance for changing the area of the room of the architectural model.

2. Creating spaces based on the architectural model
For creating spaces we are all set, let's run the plug-in.

Select settings in the opened window

1. We select the associated model with rooms.
2. We select a phase from the linked model with rooms.
3. if you want to place the spaces into a specific work set at once, select it here.
4. Select the phase of your model in which you want to create spaces.
5. Select the checkboxes on the levels of the architectural model from which you want to create the spaces.
6. Select for each of the architectural model levels the corresponding level in your model.
7. If you have a lot of levels to choose from for step 6, you can filter them using this window.
8. If you want spaces to take heights from rooms - check this box.
9. Click “Done.”
In the end, the plug-in will process each room in the architectural model and based on it will create a space in the engineering model, as well as record the name and number for the space according to the name and number of the room from the architectural model.

3. Analysis of the change of premises and update.
In the process of designing always change the rooms in the architectural model and you, creating rooms plugin can easily track if any room in the architectural model has changed its area, to a value greater than specified in the settings, changed the name / number, as well as if the room was removed.
For this purpose, open the “Analyze spaces” plugin.

In the window that opens, select:

1. The linkage is architectural.
2. The stage from the linkage.
3. The stage for filtering.
4. The stage in the current model.
5. Finally, in tabular form we get all the changes with descriptions that occurred in the architectural model
after we have created spaces based on it.
6. You can upload this table to Excel if required.
Thus with the help of this plug-in you will be able to track all the changes that occur in the architectural model.
If you want to “synchronize” with the changes that occurred in the architectural model - perform the step of creating spaces based on the architectural model again. As a result, spaces will update their numbers/names, new spaces will be created in places where there were no spaces, etc.