The "Split multilayer walls" plugin will allow you to make a division of one wall that consists of several layers into several other walls.
So, let's take an example, when we need to separate a wall, which includes a reinforced concrete wall and facade, into a separate reinforced concrete wall and a separate wall, which will include all other layers.
I.e. we have an initial wall with a thickness of 370mm.
Our task is to divide it into 2 walls
The first wall is reinforced concrete 200mm thick.
The second wall - everything else is 170mm thick.
Consequently, to accomplish this, we need to first prepare these 2 new wall types, i.e. one wall type is "Reinforced Concrete - 200" and the other is "Facade -170". Inside these wall types, don't forget to customize all the layers as we need them.
Now everything is ready for the plugin to work!
So, select our layered walls that we want to split and click to launch the plugin!
In the opened window we need to make the following settings:
1. Specify in this block which layers we want to separate into separate walls.
2. After point 1 we see how our plugin splits the original wall and so we need to select the appropriate replacement wall type for each of the sets of split layers. This is what we created the replacement wall types for earlier.
3. Specify with a check mark, in which of the created walls will need to put an opening, if it was in the original wall.
4. Click done!
As a result, instead of one multilayer wall, we get one single-layer wall as a reinforced concrete wall and one multilayer wall as a facade.