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Stretch spaces


Обновлено: 1 февр.

The Stretch Spaces plugin allows you to stretch your spaces in height within building structures such as floors, ceilings so that automatically you have stretched spaces no matter where the floor or ceiling is located.

We run the plugin

In the opened window you need to select the following parameters:

1. We select which spaces you want to work with. There are 2 options: by the all levels in the model or by chosen level.

2. If you have chosen the format of work on the selected level in item 1, you should choose it here.

3. We choose 3D view, on which the plugin just and will determine what there are above the space and under the space of building structures by firing a phantom beam up and down and it is on this 3d view and look for the nearest building structures from the room.

4. We choose which types of construction structures to consider when running the plugin.

5. If you want the plugin to not process some spaces, write their names in this window separated by commas.

6. Click Done.

The plugin eventually pulls out spaces within the building structures. This can be seen in the section.


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