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The "Export to Word" plugin allows you to make batch uploads of schedules from Revit to Word. This is necessary if you need to export the schedules in Word format.

1. Launch the plugin

2. Setting up the plugin

A window is opened, where you need to select/specify the initial data.

  1. Specify the folder where the new Word document with unloaded schedules will be created.

  2. Select the format of the upload to A3 or A4.

  3. Specify the sheet format orientation (vertical or horizontal).

  4. Select which schedules will be unloaded by transferring from the left block all the sheet of schedules that are in the project to the right block.

  5. If necessary, you can save the set of schedules, so that you do not have to create it all over again.

  6. Click on "Export".

3. The result of the operation of the plugin.

As a result, we get a new Word document created with the schedules uploaded to it.

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